[Game Description]

- Plateformer

Main story : ~10h-20h
Completion : ~40h-60h
+ Amazing Modding Community

Pixelated and detailed, big emphasis on lighting in many areas


5/5 - Challenging yet approachable, Celeste takes you on a journey along side the main character. Doubting you can finish the game, you'll learn more and more as time goes on and slowly overcome obstacles until you're at the top, enjoying the journey you just went through. You'll fail, a lot, but Celeste makes failure bearable, enjoyable even, with generous checkpoint systems and quick death, allowing you to try again and again, perfecting your skill with every attempt.

5/5 - The pixelated art style is simple yet very detailed. It is very expressive and colorful, and portrays the actions on the screen perfectly. It is very enjoyable and smooth on the eyes, with many particle effects, lighting tricks and other fun rendering magic making it unique and soothing. This game is gorgeous.

5/5 - Wonderful soundtrack by Lena Raine, from bangers like Chapter 5's B-Side to chill track such as Chapter 2's to intense tune like Chapter 3's end segment. An amazing composition by a talented artist that suits the theme of the game to a tee

~General Opinion~
5/5 - Could I even not recommend Celeste ? It's a wonderful game from start to finish, a must-play for every platformer fans out there. It teaches you to never give up, to always get up and try again. The story is touching and feels real, meaningful. Don't be scared about the difficulty, the main story is more than doable for everyone, and the game even features a very good assist mode for anyone that might be having some trouble with the various levels

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
