Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

7 days

Last played

January 14, 2024

First played

November 3, 2023

Platforms Played


This game is genuinely great, even if it is super outdated nowadays, that's never been a turn off for me, so I had a great time.

The parkour system was so fun, I know a lot of people think this parkour is slow and clunky, I really don't think it is that bad, you just gotta educate yourself on how the systems work, and when you do learn, it's super fun and skill based, something that (apperently, as I have not played the others), the franchise never tried to do again.

My only real gripe with the game is how repetitive the missions can be, you go to a part of the city, climb towers, get info, kill the target. This structure is repeated 9 times, so by the end I just got the minimum info required to go after a target, which is a shame as a lot of the info you get can be super useful and interesting to read through, with cool map attachments of guard positions and all that.

So yeah, absoulety great game, great protag, great parkour, great ambience and a lot of both "old game jank" and "ubisoft jank".