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Time Played

8h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 23, 2024

First played

June 22, 2024

Platforms Played


This review contains spoilers

This is a childhood classic for me, so I had a lot of nostalgia and bias towards this game.
I think the idea of having two different eras is cooler on paper than in reality. In reality, this game should've just been the 70s. The 70s had better music, a better atmosphere, and even the story was better in the 70s part of the game. It really seems like the developers knew it too. The 2000s part seems like they just ran out of ideas, because it just ends really quickly after that.
I do think both eras had some fun missions, like the prison break and the police station raid, but there were also a lot of meh to bad missions. 
Overall, the story wasn't anything insane. I guess if you played the game for the first time, you wouldn't really see the twist coming, but why was killing the Mexican the first mission in 2006? Couldn't they have some build-up or something? And TK's character is annoying and arrogant, so much so that I didn't really care about him.
Overall, it sounds like this review is negative, but I actually had a lot of fun revisiting this childhood classic of mine (at least the 70s parts). It would have been cool if the 70s part was longer or the 2000s part was more fleshed out.