Copied from my Steam review:

very good small arena beat em up. like the original fairy bloom the best weapon you have is using enemies themselves as projectiles, as bouncing them off another enemy without letting them touch the ground increases its damage until it becomes the highest damaging attack in the game, and the small arena style levels combined with freesia's movement and specials serve to make combos not only a way of safely taking out enemies away from those on the ground, but to position an enemy and set them up for another consecutive bounce.

later on and in the harder difficulties the most dangerous things tend to be rogue projectiles flying from offscreen and potentially getting you trapped in a juggle (often to the death in the hardest difficlty), though to compensate freesia has extremely strong defensive tools, including a guard you can cancel into at almost any point, an invincible backdash (only to a point, if used in the air) that can be similarly canceled into, and some specials with either super armor or invincibility. but the best defensive tool in my opinion is freesia's movement and ability to be practically everywhere on the map, not allowing enemies to start launching projectiles in the first place. in addition, if one wants to play REALLY safe, among the pool of passive abilities freesia can take two of, there are abilities like health regen or defense.

become fairy.

9.5/10 shynie fight SUCKS.

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2020
