really like the world but dragon quest combat in general genuinely puts me to sleep

don't be deceived by the style, this game is actually fucking rad and has a godlike combo system

I will always shill this game's ost

endearing voice acting
also this game has logg and lun so it's the best

I hate this game so god damn much
so why is this the only game I've ever platinum'd

I sacrificed one of my friends in multiplayer to call a giant sword to pierce an enemy


I liked it but then the game bugged on the last mission and I couldn't complete it
then my disc got scratched somehow

the physics of the game really do a good job of making you feel not only like you earn your kills but also making you feel badass when you pull off flyby kills at high speeds

this game's character animations are amazing

beat em up with fighting game mechanics is my shit

it didn't immediately click for me and I was initially extremely frustrated that I couldn't ever tell what I was getting hit by but after learning to parse whose bullets were whose and of what type I became a fan

kill your friends!
rating exclusively as a multiplayer title