I know relatively little about Roguelikes, only Dead Cells so far, but I was in the mood for a new one and since Hades 2 is coming out soon, I picked Hades.

The artistic side of the game is great. Everything from the art style to the music and character artwork has such a unique charm. The fact that they chose this particular setting fits fantastically. The big focus on story is an interesting spin. The core gameplay is really fluid and always feels very fun. There is relatively little frustration, most challenges can be mastered after a few attempts and so you always make progress. All in all, a great experience.

But... I'm probably making myself a bit unpopular with this, because the game is otherwise so universally loved, but I think it has too little content. It was my own mistake that I wanted the platinum trophy. Because it becomes an unbelievable grind. A grind that the game absolutely cannot support. You run through the same few rooms over and over again. No alternative routes or much variance between runs. The biggest variety comes from the few different weapon variants and boons of the gods. That pretty much burnt me out and took a lot of the fun out of it. I wish I hadn't played on platinum... But that's more my fault.

To summarise, it's still a really great game, but I played it far longer than would have been good for me.

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
