If I had not played South Park: TFBH a few weeks ago I would have written that I haven't laughed this much during a video game for years.

The story and writing is excellent. I would even go so far and say that the characters are more well rounded and funnier than in the MCU movies. They especially nailed Peter Quill. Instead of a goofy and try-hard-funny guy, that we all know and love from the Marvel movies, we meet here a real farmer's boy who happens to be a a big music nerd. His southern confidence and naivitey in the way he leads this group make him unintentionally funny without destroying the tragic character he is. It is remarkable how this game dives into the back story of every guardian. In those subplots the player learns about their struggles and their eventual resolutions. This makes for many teareyed moments followed by instant roaring laughter because those guys can't help but make tasteful jokes the whole time.

I really wanted to write this review to stress how great this journey was from a narrative standpoint. It suceeds with everything that Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart missed when it comes to deliver an genuine adventorous and humorous sci-fi story. But what the R&C games lack in story telling they make up with neat game design choices and unfortunately I have to say, I missed a lot of those in GotG.

Still a must play in my opinion. You could easily convert this adventure into a 10 episode mini series on D+ and it would be the best MCU series to date.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2022
