Wow this is a hell no from me. Did they playtest this before sending it out? The level design seems very unfair (especially with the towers) and it seems like they didn’t know how to make a level designed around Sonic’s fast moveset. The main game didn’t have this problem, so the design of the towers and even some of the sub levels seems really out of place. This dlc is very artificially difficult, and sometimes even too easy, with how much you can cheese sections with tails and knuckles, not to mention knuckles having an infinite jump glitch. I’m impressed by the amount of content they packed in for free, and I’m happy with the new characters (some weird moveset quirks aside), but the content here is just not up to par with the campaign.

EDIT: I’m gonna try to push through on it, only because I’ve heard the final boss scene is cool.

EDIT 2: I’ve gotten a fair way through the dlc, and the one thing I’ve noticed that is more evident in the dlc is that the level design doesn’t nudge you in the right direction. Many times I’ll be headed towards a beacon/marker, and I’ll find myself puzzled as to get to the location, as the location is 1000 feet in the sky, and because of the horrible pop-in, I’m unable to see where it is and where I need to go in order to get up there. The pop-in was a problem with the main game, but it is only really called into attention through the vertical level design they implemented in the DLC.

Cutscenes also feel very weird sometimes, a lot of which show one of our heroes just making a face with no voice acting, which makes me question why there was even a cutscene in the first place.

The map is, like the main game, completely blank until you go around to map puzzles. These puzzle were fairly easy in the main game, but some of these puzzles are made extremely difficult, and even seemingly requiring different characters, which isn’t made clear by the moment you start one. Not having. The map immediately available was an, at most, questionable decision, but the DLC makes this problem feel even worse.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2023
