Pikmin 1 is a spectacular first attempt at an RTS from Nintendo. The melancholic atmosphere, weird art design, and varied enemies carry this game, and even looking back on it after over twenty years, the simple 3d models and textures bring a nostalgic feeling that almost look like the beginning of 3d CG animation from the early 2000s, more so than any other gamecube game. Some very minor nitpicks I have with the game, but none so big that they sour the experience. At around 7 hours I was able to get every ship part, and at that length, it was perfectly paced. The difficulty never spiked and I was challenged gradually all the way to the end. Some might see the length as an issue, especially probably when it first released, but imo it kind of makes replayability a lot more appealing.

Ps. The music in this game is fire and far superior to pikmin 2’s music, fight me

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023
