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Last played

April 4, 2021

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Not quite as good as I remember it but I had my fair share of fun with it still.

Really the biggest problems with the game are tied down to the level design, platforming, and camera controls. They all don't age well at all and are all almost shockingly shoddy in how they can be implemented at times.

Worlds tend to be tedious and confusing to navigate through because of the way they're designed to feel like open world spaces but they all follow a very clear linear progression. It creates too much backtracking exploring the worlds to get where you're suppose to advance the story. Atlantica, Monstro, and especially Deep Jungle are bad when it comes to this.

Some of the worlds can feel too tightly condensed and not very spacious, throw in the janky camera controls and you get stuff like Neverland which gets annoying quick.

But what elevates the game for me is the story, the characters, the score, and the gameplay when it doesn't show its age too much. I'd probably harp on the game for how unabashedly dumb and sincere it is, because I too hate fun in video games. But there isn't a game series out there that does it quite like this game so I give it more points for being effectively sentimental.