Rarely does a game hook me as much as Zero 2 did and that's probably down to how satisfying the gameplay feels.

Initially the game absolutely kicked my ass. I'd die repeatedly, get frustrated and annoyed, but I never felt compelled to stop playing because when I died it felt like it was my fault. The game is challenging but rarely does it feel cheap and because of this, beating the levels and taking down the bosses that gave me an initially tough time such as Phoenix Magnion or Kuwagust Anchus felt incredibly satisfying. The majority of bossfights here are well done with them all having recognizable patterns and telegraphed attacks that are still hard to dodge, the only exception being the Anchus brothers since fighting two bosses at once was just a mess.

The level design on the other hand is probably my main issue with the game mainly due to how the difficulty between the stages is so inconsistent. Some can be difficult like Fenrir's stage which has lava everywhere and requires tight platforming skills whereas others like Leviathan's stage are surprisingly easy with the entire level consisting of dodging mines that are clearly visible and easy to avoid. Overall I'd say the level design is hit and miss because for every fun one like the forest levels that require using the chain rod to swing around there's a stage like the aircraft one where I swear you're forced to take damage at points because of the bombs.

Regardless, I still had a lot of fun with the levels due to how the game lessens the need for grinding that Zero 1 had so this game flows much better. Here, I got the weapon abilities naturally and actually got use out of cyber-elves this time. The game also introduces the Form system, if you fulfill certain requirements during a stage like using the Chain Rod 30 times, you get a form that slightly alters Zero's stats. I never felt like they were necessary to beat the game but they were a welcome addition even though they vary in terms of usefulness. The Defense form is worthless since, while you do take less damage, you also deal so little damage that every enemy becomes harder to kill and you end up getting hit way more often. My favourite was the Active form since the Rolling Slash just looks so cool but I liked using the Rise, X and Power form too on the rare occasion.

The story I'd say is also a step up from Zero 1. Elpizo is a great villain since he's well meaning but ultimately too reckless in his actions and the build-up to his bossfight during the game's second half is something I wish Zero 1 had with Copy X. The entire story just feels way more fleshed out

Overall, I beat the game in a single day, I think that about says everything. Aside from the inconsistent level design, there really wasn't anything I had major issues with. The forms are fun, the game feels more streamlined and the story kept me engaged throughout. I had a lot of fun with it, but if someone didn't enjoy Zero 1, I don't think Zero 2 is worth playing since it doesn't make any drastic improvements outside of the grinding.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2022


2 years ago

I hope you enjoy Zero 3! It's one of the best Megaman games imo

2 years ago

Thanks man, I've heard nothing but good things about Zero 3 so I'm really looking forward to it