3 reviews liked by Debi

Deadly Night is a survival horror slasher game with PS1 like visuals. It's one of the most fleshed-out, longest, and scariest Puppet Combo/Torture Star games. To clarify it, the game was developed by Cubyte Games, Torture Star Video was just the publisher. The gameplay could be compared to the "granny games". You walk around the house solving puzzles while trying to avoid the killer. Some puzzles are pretty straight forward but some aren't really well explained. But the PS1 graphic style is really charming and the atmosphere is great.

Tbh I think I skipped the whole first Chapter called "Motel" because the guy named Mr. Shiny was kinda sus, also the voice acting of that guy is hilarious so I left the motel, didn't expect this to be possible. It was kinda funny but I think I'll play it again to see the full Motel Chapter.

Overall a great game with a few weaknesses that can be overlooked. Congrats Cubyte Games!

Songs are bangers, levels are pretty poor, far too short and easy and take like 10 minutes to complete.