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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 15, 2024

First played

February 7, 2024

Platforms Played


this is game 19/71 of my backlog.

With this, i conclude pretty much every piece of official playable half life media, with the exclution of alyx which i can't play. And to be perfectly honest, i didn't like this one too much, although i'll simply regard it as me being in a bad mood to play when i did so.

One thing that i think i only realized in episode one (but has been a part of the series since the beginning), is that the writing is... pretty cheesy. It feels a bit odd to complain about that, but damn, as much as i like alyx as a character (specially since she's useful in most of the gameplay) her jokes just do NOT land.
In regards to gameplay additions, i guess the Hunters were the big thing, i didn't like them too much, they are pretty tanky to kill with normal weapons, explosives and surprisingly the crossbow are more effective, during the last fight they were particularly annoying, because the fastest way i had to kill them was running them over with the car, but doing that is REALLY clunky and made the fight just... lame, i wish i had more fun with it, because the action seemed great for the most part. They also mostly fixed my problem with episode 1 where you'd just be sent to random ass death rooms without any warning.

the OST is just as good as the last 3 games, no complaints there.

and to finish it off... i guess i could complain about how the LOD seemed kinda messed up for me? things would every once in a while just appear in front of me, usually only after i touched them by accident.

it's okay but, i think i really fell out of love with this series, it's just not as fun as i expected it to be.