Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 21, 2024

First played

February 18, 2024

Platforms Played


This is game 24/71 of my backlog.
Multiple people told me not to bother playing l4d1, because l4d2 is Just It but better. After playing l4d2, i can confidently say that they're absolutely right lmao. I still think l4d1 has it's merit, and is Just a completely different game to l4d2, but like DAMN this game is such an improvement, there's WAY more replayability (although, i really don't Care too much for the mutations), more modes, more special infected. It's Just l4d, but more. The gibbing is incredible as well, If shooting in the First game Felt amazing, in this game it's Wonderful.

I've gotta say, replaying the First game's maps i thought It was gonna be a drag, but Nah, pretty fun still.

Weirdly enough though, even with How Fun i thought the games were, i'm here thinking "damn, i don't wanna play that again", which feels weird considering these are more or less meant to be replayable games. Can't do much about that though. This game is great, have Fun with it.