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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 30, 2024

Platforms Played


I struggle with rating this game, i did play it in what possibly is the worst way to experience it after all. I played the PC version, vanilla with no fixes AND on a keyboard. The game literally recommends that you play with a controller but sadly mine died while i was playing honkai impact so i guess i just had to make do.

Well, this game has a lot of good sections, though at first i found the background and the playable areas difficult to differentiate, i got used to it soon though. I'd say the game controls pretty well, except when it just doesn't. Sometimes things will be going perfectly smooth, only for you to jump while angling ever so slightly to the left, and boom you just died, this happened a lot during my playthrough, though i wonder if that's just a quirk of playing on keyboard.
the game is also really short, without doing any side content, it clocks in at about 5 hours, and it's a decently sweet experience, despite how negative i've been through this review, when this game works, it does work pretty well, you feel fast, you ARE fast, but the game barely guides what you can and can't do for your own safety, which lets you have way more freedom of HOW you decide to zoom through the levels.

One thing that, i am not sure if it was this game in general on just the PC port, man i had quite a few bugs. Crisis city refuses to work correctly 50% of the time, making me die despite me using the clearly intended route, and when i DID beat it... it got stuck on the victory screen, making me have to reset and start the level all over again. It doesn't help that this game honestly gets worse on the later levels, they're too long and... too precise. feels like they expect me to actually be sonic to see some of this stuff coming, but overall i think the game is okay. i'll still do some more side content but as of writing i beat the final boss and that's good enough to mark it as complete.