This game wasn't made for me, not at all, it requires critical thinking, not just reflexes and slow sections where you can pause and think, there's a lot of times where you really have only a split second to go "what do I have on my arsenal that can quickly dispatch these enemies right now?" And I... I'm too dumb for that, just genuinely too dumb. Otherwise, as for the story, at first I didn't care a single bit about it, probably half in part due to the switch lite's horrible speaker volume (seriously I can't listen to shit on this), but, right about halfway through the game, I did start understanding it, and... It's interesting enough, keeps you going, I suppose, and that's the minimum a video game story should do in my opinion, the world building seems good, but I didn't pay enough attention to say for sure.

Ultimately, my experience makes me want to give it a 2.5 but... I know that's wrong, I know this game is good and I was just bad at it, so... 3.5 it is.

Also, as a side note, the final boss kind of sucks if you didn't come prepared, which I didn't since I barely had any ammo for it, I only had what the game gave me right before it, though I suppose it's serviceable

Oh also, if anyone is curious, I saved every kid, forgot their names even though I heard it the entire game and I just beat it a second ago... Wow my short term memory is insane

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2023


11 months ago

this review encapsulates modern media consumption better than anything ive ever read

11 months ago

wait you played it on the switch? Are you on crack?

11 months ago

@BrickedUp why? Is the switch version bad? It felt very solid to me... Rock steady frame rates... Easy enough aim... Never played on a different system so...