This is game 1/71 from my backlog!

This was... About 10 times more enjoyable than the original

Before I even begin to speak of the gameplay, I wanna talk about the setting, they made the player an alpha big daddy, and honestly? That's goddamn awesome, but there's a problem with that in my opinion, bioshock is a game where you use your environment to your advantage, if you're a big hunkin monster, you're not likely to think you have to do that, so if you're someone who never played the first game you're not likely to think that you need to use your head in this game.

Now moving on... Holy shit, this rocks, the tutorial was pulled off way better than in the original. Not only that but the new drill is way more in depth than your old wrench, and all of the weapons you pick up that are exclusive to the big daddy are fun and feel better to use than the original guns in the first game, I also never really COMPLETELY ran out of ammo, but that might be a result from me getting better at this series, and from using the drill more (it's really fun)

As for hacking, holy shit I'm so glad, the original's made time stop, and you had to complete an entire puzzle just to hack one thing, it took ages though you got used to it, now, all you do is begin a hacking sequence, and press A when the time is right multiple times, it's still challenging, just doesn't take as long.

As for the story... I didn't understand shit, and that's with me actually like... Paying attention this time around, it was interesting, I guess, but I was confused the whole time and still am, so...

Also, this game doesn't have a final boss, which in my opinion is more in line to what this series goes for gameplay wise, made way more sense than the original.

Yeah this game is pretty wild I'd recommend it, maybe if I replay the first game with my knowledge of this one I'd like the original even more? I don't know but, this was good, not my favorite game ever or anything but good

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2023
