This is game 3/71 from my backlog!


Okay so, lots of thoughts, first of all, what? Second of all, what???????

This game started off darker than the original two, but then I saw Colombia and I was like "DAMNNNN", I know this is a gen 7 game but the lighting and art style goes crazy.

The gore is also considerably more frequent in this game, not to say 1 or 2 weren't gory, this one is just more explicit about it.

Gun play... Feels an order of magnitude better than the two previous entries, though some of that must be due to the aim in the previous two games being kind of... Bad.
But one thing about the gunplay being good is that... This is way more of a shooter with rpg elements, than an Rpg with shooter elements, you can really no brain through this game (which I did not, because it was quite entertaining throughout), but it does still feel like bioshock, somehow. But it is however extremely different, I don't know how people stand on this, but I bet some people heavily dislike this new gameplay, plasmids are always very useful but they have been toned down a bit, most of them do kind of similar things with some exceptions.

Continuing to talk about gameplay, Elizabeth is an achievement in game design, they managed to make a supporting character enjoyable to have around by, and hear me out here, not making you have to protect her, and what's even better, she ACTIVELY helps you, I MISS Elizabeth when she's not with me, it's super nice to have someone to scout and throw items at me (which the animation has I-frames so that's nice too), Elizabeth is so nice that I found myself saying "thanks" in sync to the main character whenever she threw me something.

As for characters, I never cared about them in bio 1 and 2, but here I do remember Elizabeth and ||the duo||, they were very entertaining, Elizabeth gets a little weird towards the end but I think that's in line with the message they were trying to give.

And the ending... I'll be honest, don't get it, at all, I suppose I'm ok with it, final boss fight was cool too.

Anyways, as for my finals thoughts... The game was short! I blasted through this way faster than I did bio 1 or 2, probably a combination of the gameplay being more up my alley, better controls and having a button that tells you where to go (it confused me like 3 times throughout the entire game so it works pretty well)

Overall, I liked this, I'm not gonna play burial at sea because I have an entire backlog to go through, but I might come back to finish the dlc at some point, very cool game!

Reviewed on Jul 22, 2023
