this is another one i forgot to log, it was VERY fun, however it's that one genre of VR game where it... i mean i suppose it's a game but it feels more like an interactive movie than anything, it was beautiful tho

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This game is a mess lmfao

I'd like to preface that I got this game for free from a friend on Christmas, thanks zombie :)

i CAN'T however justify giving it less than a three stars, but I also can't justify giving it any higher than that, the reason for that being is, this game, from a technical and stylistic a standpoint is garbage, the entire game you'll be under 30 fps, sometimes falling even DURING Battles (and it is VERY noticeable), every single place you visit looks horrible, flat, I would say it doesn't feel lived in, but the amount of npcs does sell the world, even if just a little bit. The resolution is so low I can see the pixels even when sitting far away from the screen, and overall, it's a buggy mess, specially at launch.

However... Even though this is a product that should NOT have been released in the state it was, I can't deny. This IS the most fun I've ever had with a pokemon game, I don't care THAT much that the scenery is shit when I'm focused in running around on top of koraidon and jumping from peaks and it's just fun okay?

As for the pokemon being cut... It's a BUMMER, a real big one, but as someone who only plays casually, I wouldn't notice if lilcutepokemon #362 is missing, though I'd probably like if he was present

The game wasn't too difficult, not like i DIDN'T lose but me losing was 100% down to me never preparing for fights like, at all.

The story I'd say it's worse than most other pokemon games, not in terms of writing or something like that, in fact nemona, penny and arven are the most believable characters in this franchise, but the thing is, what we did doesn't feel... Substancial, we saved a sick dog by killing big ass pokemon (which by the way, felt very human, it was a great scene), we became champion and we beat up some kids who GOT bullied (doesn't sound good out of context lmao), and reading it like that, yeah it sounds great, but it's not like the other games where you like, actively save the world from a disaster, which honestly that's okay! But, idk, it's just my taste I suppose, it wasn't that bad anyways

The ending section, the great crater of paldea felt like it went as soon as it came, I think I was there for only about 1:30 hours, and that's cuz I got lost at the end.

Overall, the only thing I can hope for this series going forward is that they take their time with the next releases, just 2 more years would be probably enough... The fact that the biggest franchise in the world has a product this bad released AND was a comercial success is horrible for the industry.

Now THIS is an underrated gem, haven't heard ANYONE who knows about this game, and it's SO GOOD

I will say i was disappointed because i believed it was an rpg at first, and then i found out it was a puzzle game, but that should speak to it's quality considering i played through it all the same, haru and her interactions are cute af and i even unlocked all costumes for her, will be a classic that i will come back to when I'm older for sure

Forgot to log this one, Beat it a shitton of time ago, never 1CCd it tho, even on medium, it's VERY hard, or maybe I'm just bad idk, it's cool tho and i wanted to beat a game so i can call myself a non fake fan of the series

Also it took me 6 months of playing every day to beat it, it's insane.

also forgot to log this one. this is the only one of the vader immortal games i played, it's... boring, maybe if i was a star wars fan i'd like it more but, over all the gameplay is barebones and it's mostly a cinematic experience, which i don't really enjoy, though some of the places were kind of cool

i'm going to give this game an actual review, since 99% of people won't play this

this game is really, really fun.

it's not... super good, it's no masterpiece, but it is very fun, the weapons have a cool and more in depth customization system than most shooters, they don't have to reload, which i think is a way to balance that, but i really do enjoy the guns, they are creative and you never stop using any of them, they're all equally useful, even the starting pistol.

the levels are nice looking (considering when it came out) and the story while definitely not on par with half life, is interesting enough, and pulls off well the different "factions" fighting eachother

it makes a great use of it's engine, and is a worthwhile time, genuinely underrated, i'm glad i decided to play all gold source games for this alone.

It's actually pretty good for a game of it's age, though i was only able to beat it using tails

it's perfectly serviceable as an introduction for VR, perfect even, very short and little reason to replay, though.

Yup! It's bad! Barely even worth playing, if I'm being honest

Literally PEAK this is the BEST game EVER

really cute and cool puzzle game, even tho im bad at these

Look, you gotta understand, this game is... interesting, with it's whole history of almost being scrapped and stuff, but damn, this is just like, not good, i can't believe i brought myself to finish it, but i suppose it could've been worse, it has some sparks of good design here and there, i say that, if you are still one of those people who play 1.6, i'd recommend this, otherwise... well if you're curious do at least give it a try.

This game is GODDAMN AWESOME DUDE, not even a single second of it was boring 10/11 frfr

It's a very simple game really, there's not much to say about it, it was my first Wii game so i think it served it's purpose until i got some other ones