Log Status






Time Played

4h 10m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 14, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I have no words. I instantly fell in love with this game when I first saw it in my recommended page and absolutely adored the cartoon style, and I can assure you that Lost in Play is much, much more than its gorgeous visual style, and that's saying a lot.

This feels like playing a cartoon, in all the best ways, its imaginative, funny, with a really good story that is told only visually and by grunts, which adds even more charm. The puzzles are simply amazing, all of them unique and some pretty challenging, but all make you feel amazing once you figure them out. The music it's just... I really didn't expect an adventure game have one of my favourite ost of the year, but here we are.

I understand that a first glance all of this doesn't grant a 5 star score, as other games have all of this and more and aren't even that good, but Lost in Play is so special, all that it does does it masterfully, it brings you back in time, either to the adventure games of old, or in my case, being a kid and watching a animated series that you love.

If anything I said caught your attention or you really like the visual style or you are a fan of graphic adventure games, I implore you, play this game, you will not regret it, it's a short but unforgettable experience.