Tetris 99 2019

Log Status






Time Played

90h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 13, 2019

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


... I made... a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement...

I've played quite a ton of Battle Royales, especially back when the genre exploded in popularity in 2017 with Fortnite (holy shit it's been almost six years already?) 'cause as much as it's overexploited now-a-days and has spawned some terrible monetization practices, at it's core I found it to be an incredibly fun idea and can result in so many different outcomes each time you play. However, I have founde none that grabbed my attention for more than a couple of hours, Fall Guys did grab my attention when it became free-to-play (I won my first game ever the first time I played and I still don't know how) but even that didn't last much. None Battle Royale has managed to grab me and play it rigorously for a long period of time... except for one...

Is Tetris 99 the best Battle Royale out there? Probably not.

Is it the most original? It's stil Tetris, but with 99 other people so it's not that ground-breaking.

Is it the best Tetris game? Heeeeeeeell no, absolutely not!

So... why then have I played this game for almost one-hundred hours when it doesn't really shine in anything?... I have no fucking clue.

I haven't play it for some months now, but when it first released I was OBSSESED, mainly because... it just was fun. It was exciting to jump into a game and compete with other people, it was a good feeling that I was becoming better and better at the game, and the main theme and all the other music and visual buckgrounds they added later were FIRE.

It was not a case that the game was addicting (even tho it does have a certain component that can make it feel that way, but in my case it didn't become an obssesion) but rather it's just that it is really fun. It's far from perfect, fair and original, but godDAMN is it fun. I mean, at the end of the day it's still Tetris, and Tetris it's always a good time, so there was not a lot of room for messing it up.

Perhaps I should have spend the time playing other games, but you know what? I had fun, and I think that's something that has a lot of value. I don't think I'll play it again in the near future, but I have really fond memories of it... except the times I lost that times the game uuuuuuh the game lagged I SWEAR I DON'T SU-