This game made me take my Wii from the darkest depths of my closet, and that alone makes it my worst enemy for making me face the horrors of cables, connectors and configuration, and as the savior, for finally giving me an excuse to complete Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Resident Evil 4 in the near future.

After the absolute joy that was Twisted I went into Smooth Moves with a very optimistic view; I had seen some things and read some reviews that looked like it would follow some of the same missteps that Touched! did, but wanted to believe, how could I not trust the Wii iteration of a series of a man that steals and that barely pays his employees?

Well, to my absolute joy, I did have reasons to trust him, because Smooth Moves rocks! Not as hard as the first one or Twisted, but this is fucks, not gonna lie.

The micro-game collection this time around is very interesting: it has higher highs than usual, as it has the lowest lows of the series. They are either absolutely delightful or pretty barren and simple, hardly any in between, tho luckily there are by far more quality ones. However, all of them are similar to the ones in Touched!, in the sense that ALL are either dependent on you shaking the Wii-mote or using the pointer, nothing else. And you may be asking ''wait, if it kind of does the same thing the DS game did, just using a new control scheme that feels reiterative, what makes it good?'' and let me tell ya my dear reader, the answer is very simple... PRESENTATION!.

WarioWare has always been absolute bonkers since its inception, but this time around they just went into full bat-shit insanity mode. Do not be mistaken, a lot of the micro-games are fun on their own, but it's the way everything is shown that just sells it. The Arts, as the game calls them, are nothing more than an excuse to put the Wii Mote in funny ways, but they are a VERY good excuse; this is by far the game in the series that made me laugh the hardest, even when it gets intense: it's dumb in the best way, and invites you to be dumb, to act stupid, to do crazy shit, and the results is giving the minigames much more feedback and depth they would have had otherwise. And the arts aren't the only thing that inject rhythm into the game.

Not only both the visuals and music are crisp as hell once again, the overall game is just more irreverent, more shameless in the best way possible. Whereas past games were just Wario and his friends making games because he found a way to make money... here he founds an ancient artifact and he just takes it... WONDERFUL. The rest of the stories are once again presented in a more episodic format, and they are delightful as always, and once again a bit more crazy than usual. The side content is also pretty neat, as it is the brand-new post-game! Orbulon and Crygor are stages that appear after the final boss, and they are fantastic send offs for the character based stages.

Smooth Moves is, by far, the game in the series that asks the most out of you, but if you are willing to give it, it's one hell of a time, still flawed, nothing that was already present in previous entries and could be considered ''bad'' is gone, but it's still a very nice time, one to which I wasn't scared of being completely submerged in its stupidity. It has Jimmy P. for crying out loud, this game knows damn well what it is.

Oh, and also, one final warning, those who tell you that the Wii had not Star Fox games are not to be trusted. They are both liars and deceivers, and want you to be left unaware of the truth that Wario holds… plus, it’s also better than Star Fox Zero, which is just funny at this point.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2023


11 months ago

been waiting for this one since i saw you start the series because i've been desperate to play it again for ages (i even dug out my wiiu recently as well, though for much worse reasons...), very happy to see that it landed. it's been what, 17 years? and that final tiny wario microgame still lives in my head like a parasite. cant wait

11 months ago

@faea I was actually really excited to get this one too, since even tho I started from the beginning, buying this was the thing that ended up making me going through the entire series, so I'm also glad that the one that kinda started this hold up really well! I didn't talked too much this time about the Boss Games, since the were once again all pretty good and that seems to be something the series is consistent at (aside of Touched, at least for me) but yeah, that final one is pure gold, and a fantastic send off to a crazy experience.

And hey, Pokémon Ranch isn't that horrible of a reason to set up a console, a game that lets you have Dialga as a pet is always worth it!...and it can always be even worse...

11 months ago

Ive always wanted to play smooth moves, tomorrow hill is the best song in the series in my opinion.. glad you enjoyed it though, warioware needs more fans

11 months ago

@moschidae The whole OST is amazing I have to say, but yeah, tomorrow hill is a banger, I love its cheery and calma vibes and sound.

And yeah, I've still got two games remeaning, but I can safely say this series is great, really fun and unique. I understand people than think Wario is better suited for platformers, but I don't know, this series has an unique charm and I'm glad it spawned from this silly goofy weirdo.

11 months ago

The co-op mode where you hold the Wiimote and Nunchuk and jump over obstacles is fantastic

11 months ago

I find it a little funny this is the first wholly positive review I've seen of Smooth Moves in a while, lately it seems like people are mainly lukewarm about it akin to Touched. I've never played this or any Warioware games, but I have seen footage of this one the most, and I can agree the presentation for it is pretty top notch stuff amongst the Wii library.

11 months ago

@thealexmott I wasn't able to try the co-op mode yet, but I'll do it when I get the chance for sure. If this was already bonkers by myself, with others It must be a riot.

@BlazingWaters I fully understand those that compare it to Touched, but I really belive this one has far more personality and it's WAY more fun and interesting, and it both makes sense and it's a bit strange how the one they made to be weirder than usual was the Wii one, but it sure gave it an unique look.

Also, if you ever get the chance to play any of these, I really, REALLY recommend them to you or anyone that's interested. Not only they are fun, but also pretty short, so it's not like they take up much time anyway; as moschidae said, it's a series that deserves a more love and fans.