It lays the ground for what already seems like a future masterpiece, but in its own, it's fun little rpg with memorable characters, fantastic presentation and music, and really solid mechanics that already show far more portential than its predecesor.
Nothing much else to say, really, it's simply great.

Grimm's Hollow has been an unexpected surprise, a short experiece that tells a lot more than other games, and genuiely got me to tear up a bit in certain parts.

A fun, comedic experience that drags out in the final act, and with very simplified mechanics that makes this one of the easiest RPG's I've played... However, I couldn't care any less about its problems.
Miitopia may be a 7/10 game in a analytical sense, but in my heart it will always be a freacking 10 out of 10, some of the most fun I've ever had with a game in all of my life, the story it formed with the characters I put in was so accurate at how they would act, the situations they all got in, the actually hilarous dialogue and absurd situations, the sheer fun in triying new classes and combinations. It's chaos, but the best chaos that's been put in a videogame, I genuely can't ephasize enough how much I loved this, I loved it fulll heartedly.

A fun trivia game, with surprisingly interesting little stories and a cool conclusion to all of them , wether is a good ending or a bad one. Really recommended and worth checking out

A classic and very well remembered rythm game, and for good reason. Really fun, cathy and sometimes even beautiful.