You can't get more ''arcadie'' than this, just pure satisfiying fun.

You know how sometimes that there are things that just make you happy? Like, make you forget the wrong in the world and just put a smile in your face? This. This is it right here.

Toby Fox's work has always struck a cord with me but my god, Deltarune Chapter 2 is just... everything. It has a certain energy, a certain love, a charisma that few other games have, and it can be both a fun travel as much as a scary one, but it's always entertaining and lovely. The only reason this is not a 5 star is because it's not the full package yet, and I want to wait for the full game before giving it the perfect score, but the fact that this is totally free still bugs my mind, just...... just play it man, it's a fun one.


Español: Con un mucho mejor framerate y el añadido del 3D, sigue siendo un plataformas maravilloso, sencillo y divertido, y con un pixelart es de diez. Perfecto para novatos. Mi juego favorito de la Nes junto con Punch-Out y Metroid

English: With a better framerate and 3D as a bonus, it still holds ups as an incredible platformer, and a really cool visual style fot the console. Perfect for people triying to get into videogames, and one of my prefered games on the NES

Having played Pony Island, I knew very well that this game was gonna be far more that it seemed, and even tho it didn't surprise me as much as the former, it's by far a more fun and interesting experience. The game feels alive in a sense, almos like you are playing a ARG made videogame or one of those games that would be on a creepypasta, which may be the feeling that the develover was going for, and my god, it delivers.

The atmosphere, the dialogue, the mistery, even the gameplay, combaning a really complex and fun card system with a puzzle and escape room aspect that makes it stand out, and me want to keep coming back till I beat it.

I loved my time with Inscryption, I recommend it to everyone, even those not fun of card games, and I hope that the surprises that it holds will make you love this game as much as I did.

The definition of short and sweet, a fun little platformer, with a really funny and simple story, interesting design and levels, and overall a fantastic time that deserves more love

I actually don't have too much to say about this game, it's fairly average (tho very charming) with a lot of references that AVGN fans such as myself will get a kick out of it. Being two (and a quarter) games in one makes it have a ton of meat on its bones, tho it is very annoying at some points, and not in the intended way. Overall, not bad at all, but it doesn't exceed at anything as a game (except the music, that is REALLY good)

I went in expecting good music and interesting visuals, and I got a whimsical journey that even tho I wished it was longer, it tells what it wants to say in just over an hour, and it says makes feel spark more than most of the 20+hour games I've played.

I've never been a huge fan of point and click adventures, however, when I saw this game style and animation, I couldn't resist and I got it as soon as I couls, and that was an amazing decision, as Later Alligator is not only an incredibly funny game, but also has an incredible and unique style, seen in its animation and characters.
All the minigames are fun and unique on their on way, my only problem are in those wich depend too much on luck, and may make you waste time by repeating them, and when I mean wasting time, I mean it literally in the context on the game, as time management is extremely important, and adds a bit of pressure, tho not too much, making it something to be aware of, but not too stressed about it, and that what this game wants, being funny, entertaining, maybe even teaching something, all meanwhile being a wholesome experience, one of the best I've had in videogames in a long while.
If I didn't go too much in detail, it's beacause I want you to go in this game knowing what it is, and from there, let the fun and charm sink in. I totally recommend it and I absolutely love it.

It's Tetris, but as an almost etherial experience. Both beautiful and a bit challenging, I really loved the experience, and being it Tetris, it has a TON of replay value. In a few words, a really good game and by my far my favourite Tetris.

I have no words. I instantly fell in love with this game when I first saw it in my recommended page and absolutely adored the cartoon style, and I can assure you that Lost in Play is much, much more than its gorgeous visual style, and that's saying a lot.

This feels like playing a cartoon, in all the best ways, its imaginative, funny, with a really good story that is told only visually and by grunts, which adds even more charm. The puzzles are simply amazing, all of them unique and some pretty challenging, but all make you feel amazing once you figure them out. The music it's just... I really didn't expect an adventure game have one of my favourite ost of the year, but here we are.

I understand that a first glance all of this doesn't grant a 5 star score, as other games have all of this and more and aren't even that good, but Lost in Play is so special, all that it does does it masterfully, it brings you back in time, either to the adventure games of old, or in my case, being a kid and watching a animated series that you love.

If anything I said caught your attention or you really like the visual style or you are a fan of graphic adventure games, I implore you, play this game, you will not regret it, it's a short but unforgettable experience.

It could have been an interesting take on the Battle Royale formula, and what we got was a poorly made, barely undesrtandable disaster full of microtransactions and that takes minutes to get into a game that could last seconds. This is pure chaos, and not the fun type of chaos.

Madness, pure funny and insanely insane madness, a lovely madness.

I hated and dreaded this game with every fiber of my being. 10/10 experience, wouldn't recommend at all, but 10/10

Hey, just saw a review of this game on my feed, so might as well talk about it before I forget about it again.
I really wanted to love this, I really did, the art is jus fantastic, a rich and handrawn visual style that gives new life to once a master system title, and it's deserves it being one of the grandfathers of the then non existent metroidvania genre. However, the same cannot be said about the gameplay: it's te exact same level designs and controls of the original game, which has obviously aged, a lot, if you ask me. Too slippery, too frustrating , and just too time consuming, especially the last dungeon. I abandonned it right after a lot of tries of the final boss, is just too much unbearable for me. It's still sad that some changes weren't made, but again, visually is simply outstanding, and that cannot be overstated.