This game is such a mixed bag. It has a fantastic destructible environment with great quality at first, but slowly descends as levels go on. The game has entirely been designed around it and they really don't show it off in later levels. The story is interesting enough at first and feels like a Hong Kong action movie until it doesn't, and after the climax the rest of the story is totally rushed. The music is mediocre for the most part with a few tracks that stick out and the shooting feels both really good and bad. The game's bosses are terrible almost universally, not really requiring much gimmicks other than shoot them a bunch. I played on the hardest difficulty and while the actual game felt fair, the bosses simply didn't and were absolute bullet sponges. Overall a mediocre game with some really good moments and really captures that feel of an action movie, but there isn't enough to carry it fully through to the end to be an enjoyable experience, especially with how short it is with not much to unlock or reasons to play it again.

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2023
