Well... I can see why people like this Game BUT It is not for me. I'm going back to Dark Souls. And will not buy Elden Ring 2 when it comes out.
The open world (as revolutionary as it may be) killed many things I loved in Dark Souls and Bloodborne.
All those Bosses where either too easy or some of them even are recycled. Almost every dungeon looks the same, every merchant looks the same, most of the bosses had identical move patterns.
Is it a bad game because of these things? No. But is it the masterpiece so many people think it is? Not for me.
DS always felt rewarding. In almost every way.
But Elden Ring does not. Al least not in every way.
And all those flaws have their origin in Elden Ring being this large open world. Quality over quantity would have helped this game in so many ways.

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2022
