Ray Gigant 2015

Log Status






Time Played

24h 52m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 4, 2024

First played

December 26, 2023

Platforms Played


Blobber with an interesting setting, gameplay and visuals. Things that I didn't like:
- The parasitic system was just really annoying and I felt that it was really undercooked for most of the game.
- The horrible lag in the last dungeon in the game(Don't know if its any different in the vita version.).
- Some story beats just weren't fully developed enough (Ray Gigant itself, the whole shit with the contacts in the third story, the stuff about Ichiya's parents(Felt that was glossed over really fast.), the world itself after the ending and some other stuff I forgot.
- The pure Ichiya bashing throughout the whole game, my god I think I never seen a main character get tongue lashed this hard in a game before, but that's a first.