Reliving the story of the creed, how it was built and when, we shift back to its origin and learn what its main purpose was. With that we follow Bayek on his quest for vengeance. While learning why his son was murdered, we learn about a secret group of people who control Egypt while hidden among its people.
The story or maybe the most important part of the game is among the best Assassin's Creed stories I have played so far, we also have the opportunity to play as Aya, but only few missions, and well, the story between Bayek and Aya at the end is not what I have expected, which is the only thing I was disappointed into. Apart from that, gameplay and combat are great, I even think that the combat system is much better than from Odyssey, here you have a shield to block attacks and arrows and in Odyssey Alexios can block both attacks and arrows with his Leonidas spear, which isn't really realistic and of course Alexios jumping from the highest edge and not taking any damage, that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.
At first you might think Egypt equals to a lot of sand and desert, well, this is not the case here, there are many cities, villages, ruins,... and the vegetation differs, within the Nile and within the desert. Also the graphics are amazing, well detailed and sharp-edged.

All in all, a must play Assassin's Creed game, almost everything is perfect, I haven't had any issues nor situations where I've felt this game is repetitive.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2023
