ZX Spectrum Smorgasbord

A selection of games for Sinclair Research's ZX Spectrum line of 8-bit microcomputers. You can find most ZX Spectrum games on World of Spectrum for use with the emulator of your choice. I recommend EightyOne, FUSE, or a MiSTer FPGA if you have one.

The ZX Spectrum platform was one of the three major players in the British microboom of the 1980s. Its hardware was comparatively weak, it suffered from massive colour limitations, and its games looked primitive. With an extremely lost cost of entry, none of that mattered, with the Spectrum becoming a massive success in the UK, with decent popularity in Brazil and the Eastern Bloc. With borderline zero copy protection, game tapes were copied like mad, and even if titles had anti-piracy measures, it's not like it was too hard to trick computer shop employees into handing out extra feelies.

Not on IGDB:
Agent X in the Brain Drain Caper
The Dark