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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 8, 2023

Platforms Played


Finally, you can experience the exhilaration of obliterating your landlord. All you have to do is play a LOT of rogue-like randomly generated slots. It's purposefully repetitive and designed so you can stretch your legs a little by trying new builds. And that's where the fun is, in trying new builds and experimenting with near limitless interactions. But you will quickly find that certain builds have slight advantages over others. Often time, I'd try a new build only to get so many ore and gem items and symbols that I had to fall back into that playstyle to survive. If that kind of imbalance bothers you, you might not have as much fun, but overall I can promise that at the low price, this little RNG slot machine will give you enough fun to recoup its cost.