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1 day

Last played

February 6, 2024

Platforms Played


Having beaten MVC2 many times on the cabinet and XBLA releases, I tried the Dreamcast version for the first time and really enjoyed the small touches to increase home console longevity. Locked characters are my favorite thing in fighters because I feel that they add a mystery and thrill that fighting games often lack, and MVC2's take on the system with its mystery shop got me to play through the arcade five or six times instead of the single run-through I was going to play.

It also obviously must be said: MVC2 has a REP. I'm more of an MVC3 creature myself, but it can't be understated: this is one of the best fighting games ever made in terms of style and mechanical complexity. It's fast and flashy, and will let you put your foe in a corner until the end of days, and its incredibly varied and unbalanced roster makes it a raucous surprise every time one plays. It's one for the ages.