Beat this one for maybe the 40th time today and it always holds up. Campy as hell, incredibly fun monster designs, gameplay that rewards replay and memorization. It's one of the quintessential games in my mind; one of the ones people think of when they think of arcade games...and for VERY good reason.

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2024


5 months ago

Suffer like G did?

5 months ago

Okay I won't just leave it at a stupid fucking meme comment. Instead I'll share a story from my childhood. When I was a kid I was a big crybaby and I really loved this game and I once cried because I remembered playing it at like age 5 or 6 and didn't have it anymore. I tried to find it to buy but it was already an old game by then, like 8 or 9 years old, and I also knew there was no hope in hell of convincing my parents to buy it for me, they hated video games. So I had to learn how to pirate it to play it. And that's how I learned to use BitTorrent at the tender age of 9.

5 months ago

Well put. Probably the greatest rail shooter of all time.