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Let's keep it short. It's cute. It's charming. The overworld is an exhausting navigational nightmare. There are mandatory doors that open when you throw pots at them, and there are no hints toward this. There are mandatory areas in dungeons as well as optional areas with heart pieces that are behind completely unmarked, unhinted bombable walls that even Zelda 1 would have pointed out. Having like five sentences of text pop up every time the player brushes up against a bombable rock, a pot, or a crystal is excruciating. Sword powerups and defense acorns ruin the music for extended periods of time so I just avoid them both. Dungeons send the player running around in circles because so many areas are only accessible through sidescroller tunnels that aren't on the map.

The Switch remake fixes pretty much all of this, and is the better way to play. Even with that being the case, I would still rather play Seasons, Ages, Link Between Worlds, or Link to the Past.