Resident evil 3 starts off brightly with it's opening area highlighting all the strengths of peak Re2 but quickly falls off after that. The new dodge move is a fun additional mechanic but it does take the game away from survival horror towards an action game which some may not enjoy. The latter areas in RE3 are either really small or linear hallways with a few branching hallways. While RE2 was built around one main area RE3 takes you all over Racoon city and the quality of the game suffers for it as no area is truly big enough to capture the magic of RE2 minus the first area. Nemesis the Mr X stand in makes the box art but it clearly shows a misunderstanding on what made Mr X so great. Mr X was used only a handful of times so every time he showed up he was imposing and each foot step could make you shudder. Nemesis on the other hand feels like he's in half the game and while early encounters are tense by the end you will be sick of his ugly mug. What aids that is some encounters are far to easy dissipating the tension that Mr X created so well. Jill is an enjoyable protagonist and the supporting cast all fulfill their roles diligently but there are no stand outs. The length has come under fire as while it is about as long as an RE2 campaign there are 4 in Re2 compared to the one here. There are no bonus missions present here either. Overall RE3 is a game worth playing but is disappointing due to how great it starts and how averagely it ends.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2021
