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Metroid dread is a reminder why gameplay is king in videogames. The game takes the controls from samus returns and improves on them tenfold making samus's control the best it has ever been in 2d and I'd argue it's one of the best feeling 2d games period. MercurySteam clearly learned from working on samus return as the bloated feeling present mainly due to its metroid killing grind has been evaporated and what you are left with is a fusion of metroid fusion and super in terms of design. You are given an objective but how you get there is up to you.
The level design is phenomenal with each area giving off its own atmosphere and exploring every nook and cranny to uncover everything it has to offer was invigorating(even the shinespark puzzles).
The emi are a great addition that never become manageable as each one is harder than the prior ones. They bring the dread fittingly, more than even the sax. The game also has killer bosses with the final boss being stellar and one of the fights in the middle may be my favorite fight in the series. Best boss fights in a 2d metroid hands down. The story also manages to be compelling and answers questions about who samus is, while exploring the established lore and characterising Samus more and making her look more badass than ever before.
What mercury steam pulled off is masterful a game that potentially usurps super metroids throne as best in the franchise. Only time will tell but the quality is here. This is a public service announcement if you own a switch buy this game.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2021
