Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

January 17, 2024

First played

January 13, 2024

Platforms Played


Creating a new log to track my progress of my new Legendary Edition run & also feeling cheeky.

I think the black sheep of the trilogy may secretly be the best one? Possibly. I think the sheer saturation of colour and raw creativity gel well to make an enthralling galaxy to engage with and shoot things in. The interrelationships with various species across the galaxy and the radical positions within them make the politics one of the developed of any game of this calibre.

Paragon is popular but playing Renegade doesn't feel awful, I think the latter two entries play a little too far into being evil and cruel rather than just having a certain attitude about getting the task done efficientl.

The only noticeably bad thing is the samey planets, the Mako being either amazing or awful to drive, and the interiors of most non-main quest areas being quite obviously reused. I get it though, the concessions made were worth it but made getting Completionist a bit duller than it needed to be.

I really like that you gain XP for talking to people and exploring dialogue options. I love the exploration and the music. Mass Effect 2 might be the favourite but this one still feels really special to me.

I remember reading Xbox Magazine gushing about how awesome this game was gonna be and being overjoyed to play it back then. The emotion has mellowed to a deep understanding and appreciation of this iconic entry.

Saren and Sovereign are great too.