8 Reviews liked by DiavolosDeaths

Rockstart greatest company.. Ieveywhere i look thered red dead redemption 2 ive noticed that my gait has also changed and i walk more like Arthur Morgan but I have the cynicism of John Marston but I kind of look the most like Sean and I speak exactly like Dutch one day when i went downstairs to talk to my parents i saw them and i held the L2 trigger to initiate conversation and i didnt see any text boxes appear which is unfortunate because i really thought Rockstart made all NPCs interactable but the horses balls still shrink when its cold which i think is pretty cool even if its not the most important thing ever I like the fact that the horses balls shrink i think its pretty cool its one detail i couldn't stop paying attention to Rockstart really Rock (stare) my world rocked the. Perchance

Controllable jumps and eight directional whipping actually takes a lot of impact out of traditional Castlevania platforming. At least IV is still pretty enjoyable, but I’m glad future games of the same style, both of the franchise and ones inspired by it, never went this far again.

They dropped peak and went bankrupt right after man it's so fucked up

Amazing experience. What makes this game so unbelievably good is how it doesn’t use any cheap/forced horror or jumpscares to make it come across as scary but more on the psychological side of horror. The fear of the unknown is the kind of fear that is the most terrifying and the Silent Hill team did this in spades. I don’t want to spoil any major plot points but it is so fascinating finding out why each character is in silent hill to begin with, all the trauma they have gone through, and the devs really dig deep into their psyche, to the point that it is too painful to bear witness. As a psychology nerd, James’ character is a character arc that I’ll probably never forget. Everything that was built up til the end of the game was profoundly written and made me gitty seeing all the references to Carl Jung’s shadow theory and repressed emotions/memories. My main gripe with the game is how easy it is to get lost in this game. Granted, this could have been intentional for the purpose of being thematically accurate but sometimes it felt like I was wasting huge chunks of my time just trying to figure out where to go. I appreciate how the enemy designs were very symbolic of what James perceives but some of them were just easy to deal with and didn’ horrify me after being saturated with them. All in all, this is the kind of horror I am deeply into, it is by far the best horror game I’ve ever played and deserves all the praise it gets.

Ever since I beat P3FES, and after I beat P5R, I was so certain that this felt like the third game was the weakest in the new-gen trilogy, and a lot of it came down to how much of the game felt like a testing ground for the later, superior titles. However, one thing that never changed across these two titles was its story and characters, which is why I was so incredibly fond of FES even when the gameplay felt like an utter slog to batter through for almost 50 hours.

So when this remake comes along and bulldozes my biggest complaint about the game, and instead improves upon it in such a refined manner gameplay wise WHILE adding to the games best aspects, I completely fell in love with Persona 3 once more.

While it maintains some of the same issues from the original such as the weak social links and Tartarus still being inferior to Palaces...it didn't even remotely bother me. Getting to re-experience this story and its world once more with a fresh mind gave me a newfound love and appreciation for everything that it stood for. Originally I thought it had the weakest cast in the series compared to 4 & 5's. Now, it's my favorite friend group (though 5R still has the best overall characters). The growth they experience individually and together from a ragtag group of shadow fighters to people who genuinely care for one another through the hardships and loss they face...man, playing through P3R has made it more apparent to me than ever that I had held a bias to 4 & 5 that needed to be unclouded.

With new additions to Tartarus and the inclusion of Theurgies, the Great Clock, fortunes, the baton pass and even more, this game is far more enjoyable than before and I didn't even really feel like it was a struggle. It's also an easy game, but I'm completely fine with that. The new hangouts are an awesome idea that not only fleshed out members of the cast without links, but also just made me love the ragtag dorm crew even more than before. It just gives them the extra spark that they needed to not feel hollow.

The game is good looking and although it is easy to criticise the modernisation of the game taking away from the same charm FES had...frankly I don't care. The game looks amazing, the lighting is somewhat off, but turning down the brightness meant it never bothered me. It's slick, stylish and complete eye-candy from the new animated cutscenes, the general visuals and honestly, even the 3D animated scenes had their charm.

I just completely and utterly fell in love with P3 again and up until the end all I could think was...why was I downplaying it, even though it's been a 10 for me? Somehow, I don't think I did this beautiful game enough justice in the first place, but with all these new additions it's harder to criticise what it currently is and looking back at FES, I don't think I'd even remotely recommend FES over Reload.

P3 is the strongest story thematically of all the Persona titles (yes, including 1 & 2), and in conjunction with the game's exploration of its ideas of mortality and coming to terms on it on our own, it's also the most potent story in the franchise. It's the one that speaks to me the most and it's a story that I hold even closer than before.

All rambling aside, all I can say is as much as I love P5R, even playing through P3R has made me reflect upon P5R and made me realise where its shortcomings were and as a result...I have to say it.

Persona 3 Reload is my new favourite game of all time, and in turn, my new favourite work of all time.

A fun and engaging story and cast of characters with a charming artstyle, it's pretty much set to be a great game from the get go and it was. Although I can't really agree with the game's brazenly high reception in regards to how the narrative ACTUALLY unfolds, I'd say the fact its a tight and well knit plot overall isn't a fact that brings it down. It just doesn't do ENOUGH for me to think of it more than being a game that hits everything in the right spot but doesn't transcend beyond that.

It may sound negative, but overall it's still a great game and everything everyone who's played the game is spot on with their remarks about it. Loveable, bubbly characters and a distinct and charming style that oozes in about every element of the game made this feel distinct from any other puzzle game I've played. The twists with the ending were great and caught me a lil off guard too but it's just a good ass game even if I don't think its a masterpiece, and well worth the time spent with it.

There's something about telltale storytelling man, it's so damn engrossing i love it.
But i loved this man, it's such a fresh take on Batman that i don't think i've seen before. It's an interesting deep dive on the wayne family legacy and the origins of his family. I think this is one of my favourite explorations of Batmans psyche and mindset as well.

Solid game, had some bugs and glitches here and there but still had a good time. Looking forward to playing the sequel.
