Shoutout to Mega Man Zero for being the one series in the franchise to have an actual conclusion.

The game takes a few steps back in terms of gameplay. I liked the concept of the Zero knuckle, and stealing the weapons of your enemies is actually pretty fun. However, the crafting system tied into this sucks. I had no interest in searching for recipes so I looked up everything online. Also, can I just point out how fucked up it is to remove chips from the game?

Let's talk about weather. This is basically just a glorified difficulty selector, but there really is no point in choosing the easier weather. I liked this system because it allowed bad players like me to finally access the powerful EX skills, but I understand the criticism from hardcore Zero fans who liked being rewarded for their S-ranks.

Level design is jank in some spots but that's to be expected at this point. What I did not expect was Craft, who turned out to be the hardest boss in the entire Zero series for me. You try fighting him without any subtanks, chips, or elves.

All and all, Zero 4 is not as good as Zero 3, but it's still a fitting end to Zero's character.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2023
