"Is he[Chris] always this awsome?"

For a game with four story campaigns it's pretty disappointing that the game already becomes exhausting after the first one.
For some reason they completely reworked and remixed the entire formula for resident evil, at which point it makes me ask why did they make this a resident evil game? Many of the trademark staples of the series just aren't present here or are unnecessarily changed, as the game lacks the strategy, fear, atmosphere, and tense gameplay the series is known for. I would go as far to say in many ways they evolved all the worst features of the 5th game and changed or cut anything that would seem too distinct as RE.

For one example of why I think this game doesn't feel like an RE game, take the Melee combat, in all previous games you have the infamous Combat Knife, this is in many casses during the earlier entries this is entirely useless, and by far the worst weapon to use in the game. But it was like this for a reason, I think the reason it's always been an option is to show how utterly hopeless the player is if they were to ever run out of resources, it was a last resort that often would lead to a premature demise for the player, and in later games this dynamic would be slightly altered every few games.

- In RE 2002 you can find knives and batteries to save you if you are cornered to help combat the controls which can trip the player up from time to time, however these were one use, and would do little damage to the standard zombies in the game, and wouldn't even work on most enimies.

- In RE4 and other 3rd person games the knive is used to open item boxes and vasses, these games evolved a niche weapon into an essential tool without diluting it's prevuous porpous.

- In this game you punch and wrestle enimies to the ground, enimies can often be armed themselvss and come in sworms and are all easy to kill by spamming the attack button, without using of any artillery which is unheard of previously, the crates from 4 are now breakable this way too, and the best part is...

They still included the knife.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2022
