I've been waiting for this one to release for a while. Fantastic in both visuals and storytelling, although the latter begins to become repetitive after several playthroughs.

A release version bug that caused my entire save file to be wiped, with several characters, themes and events unlocked from previous playthroughs, really put me off continuing on for a good while until the bug was fixed.

Enjoyable but very very short. Had I paid outright for this DLC, rather than have the season pass, I would likely be very disappointed in the playtime to money spent ratio.

Does what countless games before it have done before, and does it extremely poorly. A game where you have to fight off aliens should not be this much of a chore to play.

It's like Left 4 Dead. But shit.

Honestly one of the worst of the series. Was this even playtested? The amount of times I'd fall through the floor, clip through walls or start a conversation with a character only for all the dialogue to suddenly become muted was astounding.

At this point they're just throwing these out as fast as they can and the gameplay quality is suffering because of it.

Best played with a friend. The gameplay is fun for a while but quickly gets repetitive, not helped by the lacklustre and predictable story.

This is not Silent Hill. I really hope this isn't representative of what Silent Hill 2 remake is going to be like...

One of the most terrifying J-horror games of all time my fucking arse.