I can see why people enjoy MH World but honestly , I just can't. Sometimes having more of anything is quite good but I this case , MH is doing fine with less of certain things. This review was made just after fighting Nergigante. I played MH 1, Freedom Unite 3rd, 3U , 4U , GENU and RiseSunbreak (mostly Freedom 3rd and Rise to completion of the "main story" and a lot of GENU)

Less clutter, smaller maps , less Monster Turf wars , less walking around huge maps , etc.

MH World is BIG , CINEMATIC AND GRAPHICS ARE 4K 20180p or whatever , but the game just sucks to fight monsters compared to Rise , GENU, 4U, 3U and Freedom Unite 3rd. In of all those games you have flat maps , with almost no "Endemic life" and mostly less impressive graphics but that works perfectly because you're fighting huge ass monsters. You need to clean open field to see what you're fighting. That's no the case in World , there's just too much clutter, too much details , especialy in maps like Ancient Forest or Flooded forest.

A lot of arenas are tight corridors or small rooms that make fighting monsters is generaly painful unfun. Not to mention when two or more monster decide to have Roar Contest for a few minutes. I know about Dung Bombs , but even still , monsters are just constantly invading and just breaking the flow of combat.

I dislike some change for some weapons, especially the removal of Earplugs from Insect glaive and the Arch Demon Dodge from Dual Blades , but the rest of the weapons are just fine.

Also , I don't get why they thought this mediocre story was so important that they stop you from skipping cutsnces , making new characters/save insanely boring and unfriendly and last, NEVER make Decos crafting RNG again pls.

The graphics are really good but then again, we don't need to make maps so detailed that actually harm the combat because you have plants , trees , vines , mud or other things between you and the monsters moveset. Plus , having a huge map and have to constantly from after flying monsters that freaking love to travel the entire map, is not that fun. Rise's palemute in World would have done wonders for this , because without them.. Traveling these maps is just a waste of time and test of my patience.

A nitpick to end this review: Most weapons and Armor designs are butt ugly. Next tike ask Itsuno and the Dragon's Dogma team how to make some ACTUAL GOOD realistic Weapn and Armor design.

And don't bring back the cinematic camera for environmental interactions, those things are super distracting.

2/5. The pretty graphics ain't enough to ignore the other issues. Shelved , maybe one day I will return to do Iceborne , but for now, I'm going back Sunbreak.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2024
