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Shin Megami Tensei V is tries too hard to be like Nocturne, so much that the story pays a great price.

Gameplay wise , this game is perfect. Best use of Press Turn in any Mainline game. Exploration is great, i love the Mi-Men , voice acting is solid , visual and art direction is well done , OSTs is really freaking good.

The story tho, it's just mediocre, painfuly mediocre especialy compared to Strange journey or Devil Survivor Overclocked with a terrible pacing.

At least some of the sidequest are better and have some unique interractions with the demons and Demon's writing is great. Full of personality , better than the main characters. Actually best thing in terms of writing is the demons.

And the ''main'' characters.. ooof. Yuzuru might be my least favorite character EVER, Miyazu/Khonshu both have a total unearned deveploment at 80h+ in a secondary sidequest that's SUPER missable , Tao has the personality and characterzation of a door, Sahori is a plot device and the rest might as well not exist...

The only salvageable characters are Icihiro Dazai , Abdiel and Yakumo and even then , Dazai has weirdest 180° at the end of the game..

Tldr; Just play for the gameplay, ignore the story and characters. IGN was kinda right , it's kinda like Persona without a heart.

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2021


2 years ago

Extremely bizarre that the best ending advocates for destroying all demons and leaving the humans behind considering all the humans are infinitely more uninteresting than the demons

11 months ago

Yeah, the ''true'' eding is bizarre and feels extremly out place.

You have to help all those demons , kill Shiva and in the end.. You end all demons.. That you helped..