Overall, it's pretty darn good. The CnC (choice and consequence) are pretty good, the game has timed quest and don't fuck around about them. I lost Bizarre by my own stupidity. It made me rush all timed quest afterwards. The game certainly has another playthought worth of content at least, maybe two if you go for the best ending and another for Raider run.

I enjoy the game atempts to make Skill Checks not a auto win always , it doesn't happen a lot but it's nice. I thought the use of skill checks was pretty much perfect. Almost all Skill feels rewarding , even Sneak that's generaly terrible in CRPGs , can be use to great use get Sneak attack bonus or just scout rooms ahead. Builds variety doesn't come close to something like DOS2 neither Pathfinder, but there's enough to make a second run not feel boring.

The Combat is really good. Probably my favorite of any Modern CRPG. The story is nothing to amazing but it does it job well , it gives a nice conflict but honestly, the entire game i kinda wished i went a Raider Run and take over Arizona with Cordite. Angela is just too reckless even if Patriac is a major asshole sometimes.

I can see why some people hate it, the humor can be hit or miss but i thought was WAY more tolerable than DOS2, even had a good chuckle with characters like Flab (my homie.. i failed you) , Fargo and the communist robots.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2023
