"You could be a kid for as long as you want when you play baseball."

Ever since I first stepped upon the sandy diamond, squared my feet, and make contact with the ball, I've loved baseball. As a kid, we played video games, watched live games, and even did pick-up games on the sandlot. Always wondering what it would be like if you could play with the pros when they were young like you are. Backyard sports was a wish-fulfillment of sorts. It allowed you to play America's greatest pastime with pro players at your age. Mix that with a diverse and charming group of other potential players and you have yourself one of the most enjoyable pc experiences for a young baseball fan. Whether you built your team around rockin' Achmed or mini Babe Ruth in the making Pablo Sanchez, you had an eclectic club of super children to play baseball with. Backyard Baseball was the start of a love affair between the sporting world and our imaginations. No other depiction of the world of baseball was as colorful and delightful as the one crafted here by Humongous Entertainment. It wasn't the best of the genre, but it was the one that most closely resembled what it felt like to play the game at that age. You can't relive your childhood, but sometimes when I boot this up to play 9 innings with my favorite groups, it almost feels like I am.

We hereby award: The bronze seal of recognition

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2022
