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Meant to be a relaxing game however turned frustrating. Spirit of the North is like when you take an idie game like Journey, and take all the creativity and soul out of it.

The point of the game is to take a journey all the way across Scandinavia (I assume) to the to the mountain and stop the evil energy pouring out of it.

Along this journey, you are meant to solve puzzles to get you across. The biggest downfall of this game is how awful these puzzles are. 90% of the game consists of the same puzzle; where you need find a certain flower, take the energy of that flower and store the energy in some sort of keystone. And you will be doing this puzzle over and over again to the point where it just becomes boring and tedious.

I also played the PS5 version of this game which was shocking when I saw that this last gen game performs absolutely horribly on the PS5?? I played this game for free via PS plus however I still do not recommend it.

The art, visuals and music of this game are gorgeous. But that's all it has going for it.