The last of the Mickey Illusion games and I feel the weakest of the four classic titles. Legend of Illusion does the same thing as World of Illusion ditching the fun Ducktales-like gameplay and going for something like a Mega Man game, if Mega Man's buster was limp.

Not following through with the adventure style that Land of Illusion introduced, we are back to straightforward level by level platforming. However everything feels so basic and uninspired this time around.

The level design is the most barebones here and there is no challenge, rhyme or reason. The gameplay itself is not fun as your only method of attack is throwing a weak ass ball that feels like if mega man's pellets were made of Styrofoam. Bossfights aren't very good in this game. Some of them take way too many hits to kill and some of the methods aren't intuitive.

While the game is pretty for a Game Gear game, I will admit, the aesthetics of the game are not my favourite. The theme of the game is medieval Mickey, which is a theme that has been used in Mickey Mouse movies and episodes, so it's kinda like a homage to that. But it's just so uninteresting compared the classical Disney movie inspired settings of the previous titles.

I really didn't enjoy this one too much as compared to the previous 3 titles. Something about it just feels too low budget or made by an inexperienced team. Legend of illusion just sort of lacks the quality and magic the other illusion games had.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024


24 days ago

wow i didnt even know they made multiple Illusion games, I only ever knew about Castle. Thats cool, thank you DoctorIssa.

23 days ago

I had no idea this one existed either.