This is a major step up from the original Castlevania Adventure on the Game Boy. It feels great to play this time and feels a lot like playing the original Castlevania on the NES which is honestly impressive for the Original Game Boy.

Slowdown is almost gone and the controls are very responsive. The levels themselves are designed fairly, in the sense where nothing feels cheap (besides the last few levels but we'll get to that). Enemies aren't whip sponges and are easy to take down. Visuals themselves have the sauce and look nice for a Game Boy game.

This time around the structure is more like Mega Man, where you are given the option to play 4 stages with a boss at the end. Once you complete all 4, you go Castlevania which is pretty much the Wily Castle of this game. It works very well for Castlevania and doesn't feel out of place, except for the fact that there really isn't an order advantage like there are in Mega Man games.

I was only soured by the last few levels as the ending bosses felt kinda unfair and some parts of the level were kind bullishit. Almost enjoyed this one all the way through if it weren't for the last few sections.

Overall, still a good solid Portable Castlevania title, and what the original Castlevania Adventure should have been. Mostly enjoyed my time with this one.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024


27 days ago

What's next, Adventure Rebirth, or Castlevania Legends

27 days ago

@AstroboyMario mostly following release dates, so Kid Dracula or Rondo of Blood