I found it funny when I hear "recommended to JRPG fans"
For them it's a no-brainer. Duh.

But I've never gotten very far in any JRPG. Nowhere near the end. Tried. Couldn't.
Couldn't get through all those hurdles. Those brick walls. All those outdated barriers.
Even to inexperienced player of the genre, those are notorious.
None of them pose a problem here. Not in the slightest.

All puzzle pieces of this picture are just in their right places.
And they create a picture they were always meant to create.

It's rare for something to be so good that it transcends your preferences.
I thought I didn't like this genre...Apparently, I do.
I don't really enjoy those grand stories...Yet here I do.
Sometimes, there are things so extraordinary that they transcend the usual.

After finishing Chained Echoes I'm left with a memory of the world that gives home to so many interesting, complex and wonderful characters.

Got to know them. Lived there with them. Wouldn't trade them for anything.
When saying goodbye, I had a heavy feeling somewhere between my throat and heart.
I'll never forget them.

I genuinely think this is one of the best stories out there.
And personally, my favorite.