40 reviews liked by DoomBulge

Emotionally devastated by this game yet again.

I was originally cynical at the lack of The Answer and the female MC from P3P, along with two of the most commonly played songs being directly worse than their original versions. But it's still ultimately Persona 3 with modern visuals and gameplay. Tartarus isn't as bad of a slog, full party control is default, social links aren't as asinine as they used to be. Completed the game on Merciless without much difficulty at all, which is a minor disappointment.

Wonderful, delightful remake of the best modern Persona title. Love to see the SEES crew again every time<3

I am not same man I was 12 yakuza games ago

Like a Dragon: Gaiden

At one point it becomes kind of obvious that this was supposed to be a DLC, but that doesn't stop it from being amazing. Last scene completely broke me.


A crystalline idea that is lapped by every sequel, legitimate or spiritual, except for the part where you can walk around carrying the dog and he's super chill about it. Every now and then I will restart this game and play long enough to get the dog, just so I can walk around with the dog. That is one of my favorite sprites.

The first few hours are some absolutely wonderful exploitation cinema, and the game steadily plummets from there. Chase sequences, by the latter half, lose most of their tension and become long, tedious interruptions to puzzles which one's locked out of until they're over.

this game starts well enough and then just falls down a flight of stairs the rest of the time

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It was okay but I really wish it didn't fall off so hard at the end. There's a lot here that I like in concept, but it ends up being really frustrating. The dog trails too far behind you and can get lost. Sometimes his commands are way too finnicky. The chase sequences are neat at first but become obnoxious, especially in the last areas. I didn't care for the item crafting stuff, It was extremely inconvenient for pretty much no reason. The way the fixed cameras interact with the controls leads to some frustrations. At least that part isn't as bad as RE1.

There's a decent game here though. I'm a fan of the presentation. The animations on the dog really stood out to me.

I came so close to throwing my controller in the ending sequence. You have to crouch to not get knocked over by tremors, but the crouch is slow to come out if you do any other action beforehand. You fall over and you lose all your stamina as a result. all the while a motherfucker is chasing you. When he gets too close Fiona stops, gasps, and turns to face him(????). You die when you get caught and there's a moment where you get stuck and have to just hope you're far enough away from the enemy to survive. I was already frustrated from the segment beforehand and holy shit I just wanted the game to end.

This became one of my recent faves. If you can: Play the 360-version on a newer Xbox-Console. It works so much better than the weird PC-Port.

Condemned is a gem of gritty crime-stories, which just turns absolutely crazy in the end and MY GOD... the shopping mall haunts me till this day. Those freaking mannequins...
I love the grounded approach on the investigation and the fighting is also damn fun. Monolith are really a hidden champion when it comes to their games!

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