It bums me out to see this game have so many low ratings online (It was buggy on release presumably, but a flawless experience for me on PS5 in 2024).

If you're a fan of narrative driven games with detective gameplay, you owe it to yourself to check this out.

It's actually quite a challenging game too. The game does not have manual saving. This means no save-scumming, no reloading. If your character fucks up, well tough shit, embrace the consequences...

This is also a game that is stingy with XP and with finite ability meters. I only realised halfway through it's not the kind of game where you unlock the entire skill tree, but instead you have to focus on levelling up only a handful of abilities.

This constraint is balanced by the fact that you get to play as 3 different characters so you still get to experience different styles of play.

The end result is a very tense campaign where every interaction with NPCs has stakes, and all your choices have consequences. It's got an intriguing story full of politics and backstabbing, great dialogue and acting.

The only flaw for me is that it rushes to an ending that can feel anticlimactic, as you get a few screens of text outlining the consequences of your actions. But up to that point I was engrossed by the vampiric politics, the hard detective work I put in, and the sacrifice of one of my characters who never made it to the end credits.

This is an underrated game that deserves a chance. I hope to one day see a sequel that irons out its flaws.

Reviewed on May 25, 2024
